MexonInControl for Compliance
For every organization that wants to quickly start preparing and filling the required registers for GDPR, there is now MexonInControl for Privacy. In a fast, intuitive and user-friendly SAAS solution, registers for data processing activities, data breaches, risks, measures, data processing agreements and data processors are made quickly and a DPIA can also be executed.

Data Breaches
To gain insight into the status of data breaches, they must be registered.
It is impossible to know in advance whether a data breach will ultimately turn out to be one or just a suspicion.
All the research and the information collected needs a central location, and MexonInControl provides that.
MexonInControl's purpose is to be able to monitor progress and make relations with other recorded information. This creates great insight for later purposes.
MexonInControl Privacy services
To support the MexonInControl implementation in your organisation, we provide the following MexonInControl specific services
- Initial set-up of the MexonInControl configuration
- Explanation / training for SuperUser
- Filling and configuration of data processing register
- Completion and configuration of data processing register, entities and data processing agreements
- Tuning and configuration of validation lists
- Setting up / tuning data breach process
- Configuration of supplier assessments
- Configuration of DPIA / PIA / BIA
- Set-up and configuration of Awareness campaigns
- Configuration of email templates
Generic Privacy services
To support your privacy organisation, we provide the following generic privacy services
- Set-up / Filling / Review of the data processing register
- Set-up / Review of the data breach process
- Designing / testing the process for processing requests from parties involved
- Designing / testing the process for processing privacy complaints / requests
- Assistance with execution of DPIA / PIA
- Setting up / tuning DPIA / PIA / BIA process
- Workshop on filling the data processing register
- Assisting employees in filling the data processing register
- Initial set-up of the MexonInControl configuration
- Explanation / training for SuperUser
- Filling and configuration of data processing register
- Completion and configuration of data processing register, entities and data processing agreements
- Tuning and configuration of validation lists
- Setting up / tuning data breach process
- Configuration of supplier assessments
- Configuration of DPIA / PIA / BIA
- Set-up and configuration of Awareness campaigns
- Configuration of email templates