Self Service Portals
Self Service Portals
The World of Service Management is changing rapidly. Where previously the (IT) Service Desk was the first point of contact for all (IT related) questions and issues. Employees and / or customers nowadays want to arrange more and more things themselves without going through the Servicedesk. And of course everything should be online, from any device, anytime and anywhere. In short, employees and / or customers demand for Self Service.
We found the cooperation with Mexon Technology in our "supportal" project a very professional and enjoyable experience!

What benefits does an organization have if the traditional service desk is no longer required for relatively simple operational work? If users are facilitated via the Self Service Portal of your company are able to perform the activities mentioned above, it reduces the load on your Service Desk significantly and increases your employee's and / or customer's satisfaction . Through seamless integration of the Self Service Portal with one of Mexon Technology's ITSM solutions, all information is stored safely and completely. By doing so you are able to support your ITSM processes maximally, use your IT resources in an optimal way and increase the quality of your services to the business. Mexon Technology has in the past 10 years gained extensive knowledge and experience with Self Service. We offer various standard Self Service Portals, and may optionally also do customer-specific implementations. Obviously these Self Service Portals are optimally integrated with ITSM systems from Mexon Technology.

Self Service is booming. You can think of usage like:
- Submitting and tracking (status) of your own inquires, requests, orders or complaints
- The retrieval or consultation of documents and information, including procedures and manuals
- The ordering of necessary equipment, such as a laptop, phone or software
- Following the latest technology (ICT) company news
- Registering a new employee (HR)
- Consult FAQ
- Easily chat with a support engineer